I am Isabella Finch and I am sixteen, from Manhattan, New
York of the United States. This is a scrapbook of my memories first and
foremost. My past is what makes me who I am. Once I have everything that I can
remember, then I will begin with new memories I make since arriving here. And
already I have quite a few. I don’t want to risk forgetting anything, so here
they will go.
I shall begin with a few tid bits about my background. I was
raised by my mom and dad. Mostly. Okay… so maybe I was more raised by a nanny…
But my mom and dad did the most they could for me. I didn’t always understand
that when growing up. Sometimes I would
stay the night at a friend’s and I would get jealous at how close their
families were. When the dad would come home from work at a decent hour and the
mom would be home all day cleaning house and making dinner or just lounging on
the sofa watching her soaps, Oprah and game shows that she would yell at the
television over. My friend would get embarrassed and blush deeply, whispering
to me that she was sorry about it. And I would laugh with her but really.. I
thought it was so great that her mom was there whenever she needed her.
My mother, and my father too, both did really well with what
they had though. They worked really hard and they did so partly for me. I wore
the best of clothes, went to a top notch school that even some of my closer
friends couldn’t get into. I was able to take lessons for extra things like
dance and art to look great on a college application and we lived in the most
expensive city in New York in an amazing Penthouse.
My friends would love coming over to stay in my room. And I
have to admit, especially after being here for a while… It was pretty sweet. As we got older though and began to go to
different schools, we began to grow distant though. They began to get new
friends that they hung out with a lot and I grew colder. At the expensive
school my parents placed me in, friends weren’t quite as important. It was more
cut throat really. We all came from good, wealthy families and were pressured
to get the good grades to keep our parents impressed to win over their
attention. I began to go more artistic.
Music, dance, art… They were ways I could release my emotions and frustrations
without telling others out right how I was feeling. My parents only wanted what
was best for me after all. To give me things they didn’t always have. My father
had come from a middle class family and went to college on scholarships. He
worked hard to get where he was. Sometimes I think he feels that if he ever
slows down, he may sink again. It isn’t true though. He has so much. More than
he deserves… And my mother grew up in the south. Her parents were wealthy and
didn’t actually approve of my father. She traveled to New York with her class
for a school trip and she met my father at a restaurant there. It was kind of
like one of those love at first sight type of things you only ever read about
in the fantasy novels. They traded numbers and had a bit of a long distance
relationship until they graduated. Then she moved to New York for college and
right after graduation, they got married. It would be nice to say they lived
happily ever after… but they didn’t.
I was born shortly after and things were great for a while,
but then my mother found out that some of those “late night” shifts weren’t as
they seemed. He had been having an affair and it tore her apart. She went into
a great depression and then finally snapped. She went to drive to the other
woman’s place, but she had died on the way. It isn’t something I wish to write
about now, and I know the memory will never fade. And it was my father’s fault.
How can someone say they love someone and start a family with them, when they
are with someone else as well? It is something I could never condone. Not after
it took my mother from me. And then to add salt to the wounds, my father began
to move the other woman in right after the funeral. It was… too much. I ran
away and hid the night in an alley. I had no idea where else to go, I just
couldn’t stay there with that woman trying to take my mother’s place. It was when I woke up, that everything changed.
I didn’t awake in the alley, but in a small wooden room instead. I began to
worry. You hear about stories on the news of people being abducted. Maybe I was
kidnapped during the night. New York did have its weirdos after all. But I wasn’t
bound and no one else was there. And
then I was… here..

And here is more different than anything I had come across,
even in books. It is like the dark ages here with creatures from horror films.
Demons and vampires that consume blood, talking animals, people that constantly
change shape and appearance, Creatures that claim to be hundreds of years old
and even claim to be immortal and dead. Thinking over it now, I must wonder if
I had some how died in that alley and that this is Hell. But… It hasn’t been
complete rock bottom. Here are a few people I have met along the way here.
Live and let live.
Necromancer Mortis… A man who drinks for fun, plays with
fire, can take an arrow to the knee and still hold a smile. What isn’t to like?
Oh… I don’t know… Maybe the way you say anything to get what you want, and then
turn on it. He was one of the first I met upon coming here and I was cold
towards him. I showed no amount of interest in him at all. And still he
continued to follow me, making excuses for things, annoying me. And then? He
betrayed me. Best friend ever.
Of Mice and Men.
Okay… So he was more rodent than mouse. FlyingChipmunk, Chip
for short. What can I really say? I liked you a lot when we talked. It was nice
to have someone to be myself around, who I could joke around with. But some
things are short lived. I offered you the world, but you were too slow to take
it. You never know what could have happened, but I have seen that it is true
what they say. Misery loves company and everything happens for a reason. You
may be a rat who no longer has my friendship, but I think you will go far. You
have a silver tongue for that and some women just love the way you flip flop
between your pity parties and swollen ego. Yeah… You have fun with that.
Sweet nothings.
Phoebe… I came across
her and suddenly my maternal instincts kicked in. There she was, just a small
child with weird ears and a tail. But who could look at that face and turn her
away? She was precious and her story tugged on a heartstring I didn’t even know
existed. I learned that her parents had died and she was basically an orphan,
so I took her as my own. And I truly loved her though I wasn’t really cut out
to be a mother. It was nice though, to care for her and protect her to the best
of my abilities. But as quickly as she had came, she had left just the same. I
will always remember my little girl, even though I have no idea what happened
to her.
The Teachings of a Fool.
Ah.. Ars Alchemy. I wasn’t even sure I should include you
here. You are my mentor, a man I should look up to and respect. But how can I?
You talk over me in riddles, even after I tell you I loathe them. You never
talk to me. You think asking me a question every two or three weeks through the
mail is teaching me about this place I have already surpassed you in. You have
taught me nothing about this world. You have given me nothing to aid me, not
even advice. It is hard to say something
nice though, about someone who is supposed to care for me and protect me, but
can’t take the time to get to know me. I
wish you luck though. Maybe you can learn from your mistakes to better yourself
in the future. Maybe.
Nice Guys finish last.
So it is really good you aren’t nice, Axel. Axel Keravnos. A
man who took me under his wing and became my teacher, teaching me the things my
mentor should have taught me. It was with your help and patience that I have
grown a bit, that I have learned a little. You have been kind and generous and
in an exciting affair, teacher and student have fallen in love. Axel, I have
never fallen for anyone with as much love, passion and purity as I have with
you. It is to you I have given my everything to; my mind, spirit, heart… and my
body. It is with you that I hope to write my Happily ever after ending with. We
don’t know what the future will hold, but for now? I am completely smitten.
When you look at me, my knees grow weak. With the simple touch of the hand my
heart flutters with enough speed to fly from my chest. I never thought I would
give in to love because I didn’t think it really existed, but you have proven
me wrong. It is by your side I wish to
remain every day, to wake and see your face in the sunlight. To look up and see
you smiling at me with those eyes that tell me how much you love me, and even
though they do all the speaking for you, still your sweet velvety voice pours
the words like honey for me to hear and grope at. Everything about you lures me
But now you have taught me a very valuable lesson. Nothing lasts forever. I loved the way you made me feel, when you were able to donate enough time to it. I hold no regrets in loving you and giving myself to you and I hope you are happy. You should be with someone who can handle how little you are around.